I grew up myself with a tree nut allergy. Back then people did not really ever hear of such a thing. I also have a reaction to eggs that are not cooked very very well, so I have a bunch of other foods to watch out for too. I can remember telling my mom sometimes my tongue and throat would tickle or itch. They just said I was fussy or it was in my head. I finally realized on my own that it was tree nuts. I cannot eat them and if I breathe the dust I will get a reaction. Now that I am older and these allergies are more well known, my family understands and makes things without nuts for me or tells me things do have nuts when we have family potlucks and such. I have no trouble eating products that say they are made near tree nuts, but everyone is different so you have to be careful. I have never had a real bad reaction and never went to the hospital, but you do have to be diligent until she can talk. Tree nuts and traces are everywhere and are harder to spot than peanut or peanut products. When she can talk she can say what is happening if she has a reaction. At least in this day and age people are aware of these serious problems and can help watch out for you.