I 100% agree with Gladys. My son was very sick all the time, and it's easy to blame daycares, etc., but you still have to deal with it. I highly recommend tubes. I'm surprised your pedi hasn't already suggested them. Definitely look into them - go to an ENT and talk about it.
Yes, get him off the meds! No kid with "allergies" needs meds like that. You said he was diagnosed with allergies - was he really? Or did your Pedi just say hey - he's got allergies. Because allergy testing can be intense. What, exactly, is he allergic to? Dustmites? Ragweed? Cats? What? Allergy testing will give you these specifics - then to control the allergies, you need to control the environment.
My son was sick for a year. No kidding! And we had been told allergies, daycare, the season, blah blah blah for reasoning. We got the tubes, instant fix to no more ear infections. But he still kept getting cold-type sick. My pedi finally did real allergy testing, and his only allergy was to milk - which presents just like outdoor allergies - with the congestion, runny nose, etc. So maybe consider a food allergy may be causing it, too, and ask your pedi to do food allergy testing. Within 3 days of switching him to soy milk, he cleared up.
Even with all that, sometimes kids just go through this. It seems like forever and is so exhausting, but it is helping to build the immune system, so keep that in mind.
Good luck!