There is a very active support group for Asperger's. It is called DANISH, Dallas Asperger's Network for Information, Support, and Help. Here is their website http://www.aspergerinfo.org/
They have a Yahoo list you can join.
Tell them, N. told you about them. They are a wonderful group. They meet monthly and also get together for other things. The list is a great resource to get information about professionals and schools. For the past few years, they have had a Day Camp for a week in the summer.
In Christ,
N. 2 of 5,
Borg Mom Resistance is Futile in finding what works for my kids
Nick, 22, AS, ADHD, + CAPD
Ben, 19, AS + ADHD
Matt, 16, very AS, ADHD,+Complex Partial Seizures of the Temporo- Limbic region
God knew there would be children with Autism - and in honor of them He made
the planets in the solar system spin round and round, round and round.....
Author, unknown