Damp Rid is an awesome product that helps take the moisture out. You can buy refils for it as it fills the cup.
If the closet is near an air conditioner unit you might check to see it not leaking and causing the smell.
My husband has asked me why our linen closet and bedding always smell musty... ("I don't know honey, why don't *you* clean it out?" she thought to herself... ) I wouldn't say it smells disgustingly gross, just not fresh. So, I've cleaned out the closet, thrown out old pillows, sprayed down the shelves with a clorox solution and plan to do a marathon of laundry. However, before I rewash everything and then find out in a few weeks that our bedding still has that smell, I thought I'd see if anyone has some suggestions. Any particulr laundry additive I should use? Should I consider something besides soap and a fabric softener? Any thoughts?
And yes, I've tried the various gel air freshners... They don't really help.
Damp Rid is an awesome product that helps take the moisture out. You can buy refils for it as it fills the cup.
If the closet is near an air conditioner unit you might check to see it not leaking and causing the smell.
Try some cedar closet blocks. Boxes of baking soda work well too. Put some dryer sheets between the folded laundry for storage. That's pretty much all I have.
Your closet may be too humid.. You can buy these products at Target or Wal-Mart, I can't think of what they are called, but they are like a plastic bag that you hang in your closet and it collects all the moisture.. You will see that within a few days or weeks, the bag filling up with water.. You just replace it. It is something like Damp Rid ? I would definitely try that... I don't use anything in my laundry besides TIde.. Too much of the softeners just leaves a coat of oil in your clothing and linens... Good luck, J.
Try lining the shelves and/or the walls with a thin sheet of cedar. If you grow rosemary, you can also make a pouch out of that. Pluck a branch, strip the leaves, tie them up in a single layer of cheesecloth and tuck it away in a corner on a shelf or tack it on the wall.
Pour a few cups of white distilled vinegar in the machine and wash the clothes in hot water. Then run a normal cycle with detergent.