Our ideal on Life Insurance (for mum & dad) is this:
Minimally enough to
- Pay off the house
- Let the survivors cry for one year without having to work
All of this totals out to about 150 a month for both of us (term).
In an ideal world we'd have a larger policy so we could allot 50k to each of our parents, 20k for each sibling, & a 100k to be put in education trust for our son...but in an ideal world we would have more money then we do.
For child life insurance we've allotted enough for:
- cover funeral expenses
- pay the mortgage for a year so we can fall to pieces
* we've also designated a Power of Attorney (with compensation fee also allotted for the hassle) to actually PAY the mortgage out of that money; and in the event to completely and totally losing our minds to deal with all the creditors & etc.
In all honesty, we should probably up the coverage to the same as ours...since while I'd be devastated if my husband died...I wouldn't want to live if my son died. It's hard to feed yourself when you don't want to live, much less get to work on time. The only real reason why we haven't is just an emotional thing. I need to get to the point where I can put the dollar signs behind that reality. Right now, either I just can't bear to think of "profiting" from my son's death, or I'm making it easier to follow him. Bleck.
We use USAA...and are EXTREMELY happy with them. I've used them in one capacity or another since I was 15, and my parents have used them for as long as I can remember. They're only available to Government & Military employees and dependants, however. (At least the last time I checked.) If you qualify in any way they're worth it 100%.
HaHa! Just read you're "about me" section. Get in touch with usaa now. www.usaa.com
Good luck, this is an icky thing to be dealing with.