You need life insurance on you and your husband. (However, life insurance on children is silly - you don't insure liabilities, and in a financial sense, that's what children are.) If you are banking your paycheck, go out right now and get quotes from several good companies for term life insurance. Make sure the policies are renewable and convertible (meaning you can renew them at the end of the term). The reason I say this is: imagine (god forbid) that your husband were run over by a bus tomorrow. Could you afford to stay in your home, feed your kids, and send them to college one day without your husband? Likewise, could he afford to raise the kids without you? Consider that for the surviving spouse, the child care costs would increase. Figure out how much money it would take to raise your kids to adulthood with you or your spouse missing, plus how much it would take to maintain your current lifestyle (mortgage payments, car maintenance, all that good stuff) and that's the life insurance you need. Since we live in an expensive area, I have $1 million life insurance and my husband (who makes less than I do) has $750K life insurance. We have the peace of mind knowing that if anything happens to either one of us, the other person will not be out on the street with the kids.
That being said, while life insurance is mission-critical to anyone who has kids, health insurance is mission-critical to anyone who owns anything (house, car, money in savings or retirement funds). All it takes is one medical mishap, and you're setting yourself up to lose everything you own. It's sad that our medical system is for-profit like this, but unfortunately health insurers have a bigger lobby than us little peons. :-/
I don't know... for me, personally, I believe you should absolutely have both health and life insurance. (Aflac is optional.)