It depends on which side of Charlotte you want to live on. Many people will not live within the Charlotte city limits due to issues with the schools. Overcrowding for some schools is one huge issue. I live in Fort Mill, SC, which is adjacent to Charlotte. It is also growing like crazy. Many people have been told to come to this area because of its schools. Fort Mill is building new schools as fast as it can to keep up with the population burst. Two of the elementary schools are no longer accepting new students so if you are considering this area be aware. Links to school boundaries and growth as well as test scores are all available on the school district website. Search using the words Fort Mill School District. The taxes in general are lower in SC which also makes this an attractive area. If your husband is working on the north side of Charlotte the commute would not be desirable. Although there are people from this area that make the commute. It truly depends on the route he would have to take. Fort Mill just finished building a second high school and is in the process of plans for a third middle school and two more elementary schools. Right now the third middle school and one of the elementary schools are on the slate to be near the area called Regent Park. A second elementary school is tentatively planned near property behind a neighborhood called Whitegrove which is on the east side of Fort Mill.
I've heard from others that tell me Union county has good schools and the Audrey Kell schools which are in Ballentyne are good...they are new and part of the Charlotte school system.
SC legislators are trying to pass a law to allow students to choose the school they want to attend. (Just like Charlotte area) Which means students outside of the Fort Mill area could choose to attend Fort Mill schools. So far due to the growth in Fort Mill there has been a fierce fight to oppose allowing this action to affect this area. Fort Mill has in the past dealt with residents from surrounding cities attempting to attend, some successfully. There have been a number of NC residents trying to avoid NC schools by using rental units to get their child into Fort Mill schools. You could say the school adminstration down here has seen just about every trick in the book.
There are some terrific Pre School Programs! I enjoyed Leroy Springs for the teachers and the weekly swimming and crafts they offered onsite. They still have a great program. However my daughter attended almost nine years ago, since then the need for pre school programs has grown and there are many more available.
By the way Kindergarten down here is a full day program. One well kept secret is the school system does offer a pre school program if you apply for it. And lastly there is a program called Leap Ahead for younger children that meets weekly, there's no cost, they may have a web address now, but this program is filled with interactive activities to insure your child is learning skills appropriatly and answer any questions parents have. Leap Ahead will also visit your home if you wish. I participated and enjoyed the information they provided.
Good Luck!