too a little. My daughter tells me all the time that she likes school (daycare and preschool) and how much she loves her teacher. It makes me happy, but occasionally she also doesn't want to leave. When that happens, I try to give her a chance to get used to the idea that she'll be leaving soon. I spend a few minutes (10-15) there with her telling me what she does during the day. Showing me around the classroom, toys she plays with, art work, etc...and how things work. I know it's hard taking the time, especially when you have so little time at home in the evening. She's also very social so she knows going home, she won't have anyone to play with except mom and dad, and that's not nearly as fun. But, I've found that when she's particular clingy at school, it's because she needs time to transition. It's a great opportunity to for me to interact with her and her friends a bit and get to know how her days are. Try it and see how it goes. Come in and ask him what toys he payed with today and how they work. Ask for introductions to other kids by your son (even though you probably already know them), find out where he took his nap, etc.
I had a secong thought, you might want to mention it to your daycare provider also, so that she/he is comfortable with you getting a tour of their days activities. :)