Hi Jessica,
I used to work in a kindergarten and have worked with children for over 25 years, as well as running a local preschool directory and writing a book about going to kindergarten. Please understand that my comments are meant to help your son and not to offend you.
You stated that you could walk your son to school, but that it makes your life much easier if he walks. What about your son's life? Is it making his life easier? What you call "just boys being boys" I call bullying. He's just 5 and needs you to protect him from the ugliness he has experienced on the bus. If I were you, I would make my life harder for a few minutes each morning and afternoon and walk my child to school.
Your son's teacher can't do anything about behavior on the bus. The bus driver has too many kids on the bus to keep track of all of the bullies. The bus seems to be a magnet for bullies. And they've targeted your son.
Here's a link to a study done on the long term effects of bus riding and children's behavior (which your son has already experienced by being called Mr. Cheese). http://www.marshall.edu/jrcp/VE12%20N1/JRCP%20Henderson.pdf
I hope you decide to walk or drive your son to school to help him ease into kindergarten. It can be a tough enough transition without the bus challenges your son is facing. Best wishes to you and your family!
~P. G.
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