If born between September 1st 2005 & August 31st 2006, your child is eligible to start kindergarten in September 2011.
If born between September 1st 2006 & August 31st 2007, your child is eligible to start kindergarten in September 2012.
I am sure each state and each school district has there own timelines but here are a couple that I have run across for my kids:
Kindergarten readiness assessment (free). Typically done after the child is 4 yrs old but about 6-7 months before kindergarten starts.
Kindergarten registration. Our state has lots of different school choice, open enrollment, magnet schools etc, but it seems like most deadlines are in January.
Decide on 1/2 day kindergarten or full-day; if that is an option in your district (some full-day programs are fee based).
Pre-K physical. Must have a general check-up with their pediatrician before starting kindergarten.
Must have all immunization done or "boosted" before the 1st day of kindergarten. Or parent must sign a conscientious objector form (meaning, immunizations are not legally required at public schools).