I understand a vigilant desire to protect your newborn. But I am just wondering how are you going to go about this? I have a comic strip cartoon image in my head of the parents asking for documentation of current vaccines before allowing a family member to hold the baby. LOL.
My first daughter was full term and at 2 months she contracted RSV. RSV is a fairly common strain of what is just a cold in adults. In babies it can be fatal. She stopped breathing, was in the hospital for a week. In the first two years of her life she had chronic bronchitis, required regular breathing treatments and was often ill.
When baby #2 came along we took steps to keep germs out. We very politely but firmly told people if they had any kind of illness to please stay away. When someone came for a visit we asked them to wash their hands before holding the baby. We daily wiped high traffic areas (door knobs, toilet handles, light switches) with clorox wipes.
This may have seemed extreme to some, but after all we went through with baby #1, it did not seem extreme to us.
How about before you request vaccinations you just practice some hospital type hygiene in your home. If you have the sniffles stay home. Wash your hands, and clean the home regularly.