Hi S.,
As a mom of 6, soon to be 7, I've realized that everyone has a different opinion about everything to do with kids! For what it's worth, here's what I've experienced with this issue. I never put shoes on any of my kids except on special dress-up occasions, until they were walking completely independently. I found they were able to balance much better without them. When the weather was cold, I'd put booties or soft-soled shoes on for warmth, but otherwise I figured that it wasn't really a big deal if they went barefoot. Once they were really good walkers, I got them sneakers and would force the issue only when we were going out in public. I'm not a believer of stiff walking shoes, and wouldn't blame any baby for resisting them. I never used the Stride Rites, so I can't give any input about them. But several of my kids fought wearing shoes, and they all wear them now without too much of a fuss. As long as you are firm in your expectations of when your daughter has to wear the shoes, she will eventually get used to the idea. The key is consistently letting her know when she's expected to wear them, and when she doesn't have to. Also, I would say try a different pair -- maybe she just doesn't like those particular ones. As far as the pigeon toes, my oldest is slightly pigeon-toed, and the Dr. actually had us do exercises with him right after birth, which had no effect. He's still pigeon--toed, but it hasn't affected him negatively. He's very athletic and coordinated, and always has been. I would just check with the pediatrician on this, or even a specialist, if that would set your mind at ease, because they can let you know if they think it will be an issue or not. Good luck.