First of all, congrats on your pregnancy! I know it can be frustrating and hard to maintain excitement, however, when you are sick all the time. My only child, a little girl, is now 16 months, and I was pretty much sick for the duration of the pregnancy, day and night. However, a few words of did get better as time went on, and it was only after i started a few tricks that helped keep the nausea at bay. First, I really had reations to food and food smells. It wasn't until I started eating whetever i craved the moment i craved it that i could actually eat. i know they stress a lot of healthy eating during pregnancy, and it is very important, but now throwing up every second of the day is better. so listen to your body about food and really try to find those things that help, and keep them on hand constantly, even if it is something you would not normally eat, even if it is wierd, like potato chips for breakfast (i was a vegetarian until i got pregnant, too. i resisted eating meat, but found i fet much better once i did :)
Also, smells were a big trigger for me. i work in a library, and hey, there are a lot of smelly people who come through :) it sounds wierd, but i kept a bottle of lotion that was my "happy smell" on hand, and whenever i smelled something unpleasant, i just applied some lotion and enjoyed that (although ironically i now cannot stand the smell of said makes me sick...)
i don't know if you're wary about carrying twins or not, but i was soooo sick, so was my sister, and so was my cousin, and none of us had twins.
i found that books that tried to tell you how to get rid of sickness were not helpful because reading made me sick and they often involved these long, complicated plans on how to alleviate sickness and it would have worked if i hadn't been lying on the bathroom floor, ya know? so, a word of caution, steer clear of books that promise to get rid of your illness.
i know that some of this might not help, and the saying "this too shall pass" will make you want to choke me, but it will pass. stay strong. sometimes you just need support and someone who really understands what you are going throug. so hey, i'm here if you need to email!
good luck :)