In the weeks after my grandmother died, my husband (then boyfriend) were going through the house trying to figure out what to do with her personal things. Her will was extensive and never a secret (she literally had us all pick-out what we wanted), but there were too many other things to go through and my grandfather was in no shape to do it.
As we were going through her desk drawers, we came across a box that I had never seen before and in it we found items from their wedding... announements, invitations, receipts, guest list, gift lists and a "modern bride" book on how to plan the perfect wedding!
My grandmother was the epitome of high-fashion and society, so everything was recorded and done with flare up to the day she died. We loved her for this and she stressed the importance of doing things "beautifully" to all of us growing up. So, for Christmas that year, I had different items from the box framed for members of the family. We have their wedding invitation framed in a rectangular frame along with my parents' and our invite (my parents, aunt and sisters have something similar). It's beautiful and something that we treasure because of the history.