These bags are a status symbol in certain schools. Additionally, they go in and out of style with the seasons. I suggest telling her that if she really wants one she should save/work and save to buy her own. Love is not about the money.
Hi Moms,
My teen daughter has asked me to get her a Juicy Couture (sp. sorry) handbag for her birthday. These handbags are quite pricey and personally, I think, a child who doesn't work will appreciate a handbag that costs so much. She insists these bags are worth the money because they are a high quality and last a long time. Please educate me here moms if you can: Do you buy your teen an expensive handbag? Is it worth giving a kid in high school such an expensive accessory? Help, before I go broke!
Thanks to everyone who responded. Well, my daughter settled on a $50 Guess purse from Marshall's. I took the advice of a few moms who responded and told her if she wanted such a pricey purse to take to high school, she'd have to save up her money. I think I convinced her pretty well that a purse that pricey could get stolen easily and she has had stuff stolen in the past at school. Thanks again for your input.
These bags are a status symbol in certain schools. Additionally, they go in and out of style with the seasons. I suggest telling her that if she really wants one she should save/work and save to buy her own. Love is not about the money.
This probably isn't the answer that you want, but when I was in high school my mom bought me a name brand purse for my birthday. It was awesome! We didn't have much money and I worked from the time I was 15 on (babysitting at 11) but I saved my money for clothes I wanted (mom got what I needed) and mostly for college. I had to give up any sort of a a party or get together for my birthday but I will always remember how much I wanted the purse and that mommy came through. :)
It seems like such a strange thing to want but sometimes it is more about fitting in.
It really depends on how you feel about it, does she usually ask for things and then toss them aside when she gets them?
Are you doing anything else big for her birthday?
How much does she help out around the house, if she isn't working?
Has she been asking for this for awhile or does she jump back and forth between things she wants?
Is there anything that she needs that would be more appropriate for a birthday gift?
Good luck Momma!
You don't say how old she is...personally I find the brand highly inappropriate for younger teenagers (one look at their webpage says enough...) and would not spend any significant money on it.
If she's in high school she is old enough to work for luxury items (babysitting, tutoring...), but that's just my opinion.
I have sold Juicy Couture since it first became popular.. I have also sold Gucci, Louis and then really well made bags like Coach etc.. The quality of Juicy is not considered high quality, but high on Fashion..
So If it were me, I would never pay full price.. They are a fad, they are cute and they are targeted for exactly your daughters age group.. College girls would not be caught dead with one.. Interesting since they are so expensive..
Here is a link to Juicy bags for really amazing prices.. Your daughter could get a few.. http://www.namebrandsfashions.com/juicy_couture_bags.html
you know, i have a juicy couture outlet near my house. i have been into the store and gotten a sweater for myself. on sale with an extra discount for some holiday. it's not great quality but i liked how different it was from my usual stuff. i can afford it though.
now for your daughter, and this is interesting because, my husband and i just had a blow out today over american doll. my kids are 5. one of them has been in and out of hospitals for the last year. we just got good news about her last procedure and decided to take them to NY city for the weekend. the whole thing, hotels, museums etc. as we're walking to get a taxi i saw the american doll store. i have heard about those things from moms in my kids' school, so i made a rush judgement to go into the store. we did. well minutes into the store, my girls just uhh and ahh-ed over the dolls, and started asking for one. my intention was to treat them with their first american girl doll. apparently my husband did not know that. so anyway as i am saying to my girls go choose one he just had this horrified look in his face, and said heck no, look at how much these things cost. so to not really get into what went on, i got my girls one doll each. i would have never in wildest dreams spend that kind of money on a doll, but to me, my daughters deserved it. a one time thing (for now :) but the girls in their class have one, they have heard about those dolls, my daughter was a huge trooper through her whole ordeal so i bit the bullet. then we came home, and the care they showed to their dolls, the wrapping them in blankets, the small conversations, and most of all, the sparkle in their eyes made it all worth it (hubby and i still aren't talking).
i grew up pretty poor. i didn't have much. i never asked for much, because i knew we couldn't afford it. if my kids are doing well in school, well at home, cooperate etc, a indulgement here and there is worth it, is deserved. so i say get her a juicy bag. see first if you have outlet malls you could go to. ps sometimes marshalls and tjmaxx carries those bags as well. might not be the 'in' ones but for a start you could do a last year's model.
Hi, my advice would be to buy a used one. I looked on Craigslist and here is a link to a person in Ann Arbor that is selling two of them.
Or I would go to ebay and try to find on there.
As a mom with not a ton of money either that is the way I try to buy the things I or my family would like a little cheaper.
No, no, no, no, no! :) That's a lot of money to spend on something that will be out of fashion by next year at the LATEST! Quality is not the issue, but the fact that its trendy. If I am wrong, then she'd be willing to settle for a high quality bag from a discount store like Marshall's or TJ Maxx. If she wants to spend her savings on it, go for it, but you should not be expected to fork out tons of money on trendy things. Now, if you should find one for a decent price at a discounter, then it would be appropriate. Its not the purse, but the amount of money one spends on it. If you give in now, you'll be expected to keep her up to fashion no matter the cost from now on.
My parents gave us gifts that they thought were appropriate for us, not just ones that we wanted. We didn't submit a "list" and then expect it to be filled at Christmas/birthdays. But we did let our parents know the types of things we liked and they kept that in mind when shopping for us. We also got money for presents from our grandparents and were given the freedom to spend it on what we chose (within the limits of modesty). It was a good compromise.
Personally I would not buy it. I would consider going in half on it. I teach high school and see many kids with many expensive accessories that are thrown around or become an issue in school when someone as much as brushes against them. I think learning the value of money is a great lesson with this purchase.
I certainly undertand your reservations about such a lavish gift. I think that if you are willing to purchase the purse for your daughter that you can tell her that you will help her purchase the bag. She will likely get birthday money as a gift. If the bag costs $100 and she gets 40 or 50 for her birthday, if she really wants the bag that much she should be willing to help you purchase it for her. I think she will also value the bag that much more and will take care of it better because she has invested her own money. This will also help temper future expectations. Next year it will be something else that will probably cost more money that has caught her attention and is the new "must-have." By setting up her expectation that if she wants something expensive, she will have to contribute toward the purchase, that will make your life a lot easier going forward. I once heard Dr. Phil say, if you give your kids everything, they value nothing. That really resonated with me. I think your daughter will value this present a lot more if she helps purchase it. Good Luck!
I have to say that when I was in HS my mom got me a pair of diamond earings that I really wanted...I was turning 16 and had no desire to drive and it was really all I wanted...and I still cherish them today
Kim really hit this one on the head she brought up tons of great points. I dont know if I had a teen daughter I if I would get her Juicy hand bag...like you said they are super pricey and even as an adult I only own one. If you should decide to do it I say to go with a black one so it can maybe last a little longer... wont get dirty as quick, and wont be "soooo last season" as quickly.
there is NO way I would buy one for my daughters. If they want to buy something risiculously overpriced, then they will have to save up their own money to get it, but especially Juicy? Next she'll want to wear pants with Juicy written on her butt. No thanks!!!
I was at the mall one day using a gift card I had gotten to some expensive makeup store, and I couldn't believe all the young girls in there, spending hundreds of dollars on makeup. What is this world coming to?!!!
You already made your desicion and you did what was right for you.....that is good. What's right for one is wrong to another.
As for Juicy, yes my daughter has Juicy and Coach. I don't think the Juicy is the highest quality...it is just the name. The Coach is much better quality.
Right now she is using a handbag from Charming Charlies which is very reasonable and she ends up with a variety instead of only 1 bag to use.
I wouldn't consider Juicy to be high quality, however they are definately a status symbol. I bought a knockoff juicy bag for $60 and I have received hundreds of compliments on it, my OB even asked about while I was in labor! It looks real and even came with a dust bag. I'd suggest going that way to see if she will take care of a handbag before you buy the real thing. I couldn't make myself spend the money for a real one when I carry leaky sippy cups, snacks and all sorts of messy things in there!