I am starting a work from home business. I am hoping it is going to be a success. I went to a meeting last night to hear more about it.
It is called Stream Line Energy aka Ignite!
All it is, is getting customers to switch their electricity. In most of Texas we can choose who we want. This company was started in March of 2005 and has been the fastest independantly owned company. It has been written up in D Magazine, Wall Street Journal, Channel 8 News, etc. as the fastest growing company. As a mother of three models I know that companies spend a lot of money on marketing. You hear during superbowl about the Million dollar commercials. Well, here instead of paying marketing all that money they pay my kids for national commercials they pay us. When I signed up for it I noticed a clause stating I could return it in three days and get my money back if it was not for me. So I am going to try it.
This month, they are offering double rewards!! So if I sign up one person to sell it with me I get $100, but this month I get $200...what that means is by signing up only one person I have already made half of my investment back. Yes, this is a pyramid scheme, but to do this you have to sign up under someone. So I am asking if you are interested in this sign up under me. You can sign up peopole to help sell and you can also sell it. I know I have already sold it to my mom, dad, because they want to help me out and while they help they are saving money on their electricity! After I sign one person up and myself I will make another $100, so now I have made back what I have put into it. Also every month they pay heir bill I make $.25. Now at first it doesn't sound like much, but with persistance and drive people who started this only part time are making an extra $1,000 a month?? And people who are full forced are making $20,000 a month. I don't know if that is possable, but if I can get back what I put into in one month and make a little money each month after that, I will be OK! It started in Dallas Texas, but is opening up into Georgia and soon all over the United States. If you get in now think about everyone who will be under you in all the other states and they will be helping you make money!
Now, I have put a lot of thought into it and tons of Realators are already selling because it's easy and they make their money back fast. Think about all the realators, mortgage loans officers, friends anyone you could sell this to and you too could be making great residual income fast. If it doesn't work out I will get my money money back, but I am hoping it does so that I can continue to spend time with my kids and make extra money!
Call me back and let me know if you are interested in it and I can walk you through on my website.
The link is below...