I really enjoyed reading your post.
It sounds to me like your mind is already made up about what is or isn't available out there for you. Looking at the handwriting on the wall of your current company it doesn't seem like they will be in business much longer and you may have to find new employment.
It seems to me like you would serve your Me, Inc. better by arranging your schedule closer to a 9 - 5. It doesn't hurt to begin to look for a new job. In this economy it does take time to find a job but jobs are out there for the skilled. Once given an offer of employment that is when you can negotiate things like hours, vacation time, etc.
If you are already freelancing for the company you already work for is there an opportunity to increase you value by offering the same services for another company and how would you manage your time to be able to do this.
When making decisions I try to make decisions based on what is best for my Me, Inc and my family. The extra money would be great and your son will be just fine. Children really do seemingly need you more in other ways when they are older. The youngest in the house is now 16.