Usually a few cups a day. I've thought about giving it up, but see no reason to. I love coming across articles like this. I love my coffee in the morning!!
I just read an article saying the coffee has an amazing number of health benefits if you drink 6 or more cups at day (decaf ok too). I will put the link in the SWH.
SO how much coffee do you drink?
Pre pregnancy I drank abou 4 12 oz mugs a day... now 1 mug regular and one decaf...
Usually a few cups a day. I've thought about giving it up, but see no reason to. I love coming across articles like this. I love my coffee in the morning!!
I rarely have a cup of coffee. Love the smell, just don't care for it.
I do drink tons of iced water (LOVE my water very ICEY cold) and Iced tea.
This weekend I tried the new Carbonated Ocean Spray Cranberry and it was pretty tasty!
I don't even know how many ounces my mug is.
But I have a big mug.
What exactly... is the cup size or how many ounces per cup is the article talking about??? They don't say. Unless maybe I read the article too fast.
Anyway, I am a coffee drinker. I drink about 3 cups in the morning.
And sometimes more later.
I really like coffee.
I drink it straight. No sugar.
6 or more CUPS a DAY?
Heck, I'd never be able to leave the bathroom.
I find as I get older that coffee irritates my bladder more than it use to.
I HAVE to run to the bathroom within an hour of drinking it (so I dare not drink it if I have to travel/drive or if I don't have enough lead time before I leave) because it runs right through me.
It's not the caffeine, because I do not have the same reaction to cola or tea.
I drink coffee a few times a week and it's getting to the point where I might give it up altogether.
At least two pots a day - and I do NOT do decaf.
I drink two big, oversized cups each morning. It keeps me vertical.
Zero. It aggravates a fibrous breast issue I deal with.
I've cut down to one 12oz mug per day. The rest of the time I drink tea.
I don't seem to need as much caffeine as I used to. I also wanted to slowly wean myself off caffeine before TTC in the fall.
I come from coffee drinkers. I don't drink nearly as much as my parents, but I make 4 cup at home before I go to work, then when I get to work make 4-5 cup. If I go over to my parents in the evenings, I'll have a cup with them, but if I stay at home I won't drink any more. (My parents live mile away and we are a close family). My parents will drink all the way to bed time and sleep just fine.
Probably five or six cups a day, but never past 4:00pm or I'll be up all night.
2 big cups in the morning then i make a coffee pot full of green and black tea. I drink my tea mixture on ice for the rest of the day. Hopefully I'm getting the best of all 3.
One cup first thing in morning. Then maybe a second (if I didn't sleep well) to give me a push to start the day, but any more than that and and I shake...literally! And if I drink any coffee or caffeinated tea after 2pm, I'm up past midnight.
I drink 5-6 mugs of coffe a day. I love the taste, and it makes me feel great! I only drank one cup of coffee a day while I was pregnant too.
before getting pregnant id drink 1 regular sized cofee mug and then one of those big travel mugs.. on weekend probably 3 mugs full.. now that im pregnant i just have a mug in the morning but dont fill it up all the way
Hi. My name is A. and I'm a coffeeholic.
Let's just say I have to cut myself off by dinner or else I will never get to sleep each night...unless I have desert at dinner, then a nice warm cup goes really well with it...which is why I always make a desert after dinner :)
None. Nothing caffeinated, at all.
One cuppa in the morning.
Tea in the evening/afternoon.
That's all!
Well, I have a really big mug, seriously, way bigger than most mugs. I drink almost two of those in the morning! According the the decanter it's almost six cups.
I make myself a "4 cup" pot in the morning. On occasion I'll make a second mug (2 cups by my coffee pot) in the afternoon.
If I have as espresso machine 1-2 cups per hour (ADHD). Just espresso. Double shots w/ a tablespoon of sugar.
No machine? I drink coke. Rather a lot. I don't like regular coffee, it's too bitter and makes me too sleepy (Again, ADHD = opposite stimulant reaction). The longer the water is in the machine the
More caffeine it extracts. Espresso has some of the lowest caffeine levels.
Without looking at the study info, I wonder how total it is. Ex, military folk tend to be some of the healthiest in the world. Military folk also practically breathe coffee (1-2 pots a day and upward). ADHD folk? Ditto. Students? Ditto. All 3 groups tend to be physically far more fit than the general population. But that is probably less correlated to coffee than to lifestyle or age. <shrugs> But again, I didn't read the study, just an interpretation/synopsis of it, so I don't know how 'good' a study it is. Just makes me wonder.
A lot. French press, strong, cream and honey. A mug here and there throughout the day.
Probably around 400mg, 500mg of caffeine a day.
Geeeez! Some of you drink a TON of coffee! I would just have to wear diapers if I drank all that! My goodness! xD LOL!
I drink 16 oz. Each morning and have to pee about 10 times within the hour after I finish it! Hahaa
Zippo, zero, nada, nil.
Tea? That's another question!
Sigh...this question makes me sad because I'm pregnant and MISS my coffee! :)
When I'm not pregnant or breastfeeding, I drink a couple big cups in the morning and at least a cup later in the afternoon.
Currently-none :(
I love studies like this that reinforce my habit!
depends on the day some more than others - today I have not had any honestly. In the summer I tend to make my own iced coffee vs hot.
I can't stand coffee or cappuccino.. even the smell gets me sick.
Now soda is another story for me.. the answer would be too much of it! But I'm trying to get better at it and it would easier if I liked water though..
1 or 2. I just don't buy into those health claims anymore; especially when I found out that oats, cranberry juice, mushrooms, and spinach can up uric acid levels and cause kidney stones.
I LOVE coffee and I am obsessed with it. To be honest I think 6 cups a day is excessive. Decaf aside, how do you feel after drinking 6 cups? As for me I would be shaky, wired, and crashing from the caffeine. That much coffee would also mess up my digestive system and cause me to lose sleep at night. I don't drink decaf because the way it is processed I think is unhealthy. Plus I kind of feel like, "why bother"? I wouldn't drink O'Doules either, you know? But I have drank decaf when I was preggers and trying to cut down from two to one a day. Anyway, regular coffee is really high in pesticides anyway and I always say I'm going to switch over to organic only, but then I don't because the beans I like best are not organic. If I drank 6 cups a day, however, I would be more concerned about that.
Oh, and I definitely believe that drinking coffee (in moderation) has health benefits! Including helping to keep your metabolism fast, helping your body digest heavy foods, not to mention giving your brain that little extra thinking power when you need it. So enjoy that cup!
I drink 2 cups of 1/2 caff. coffee Mon-Fri. On the weekends, I have been known to over do it and have 2+ cups of fully leaded. I have actually gone into the shakes from too much coffee/caffeine, wouldn't give it up though. :o)
Not nearly enough! I have about a half a cup when I first wake up (at 4:45am) to get my eyes open then sometimes I'll get a 16oz cup for my 30 minute drive to work. If I don't have coffee on the way to work I'll have two more cups at work. I don't know what the deal is but the last couple of weeks my butt has been dragging and I've been wanting/needing more than usual. I shutter to think of life without coffee!
before having my kids I had 2 POTS of coffee a day. Now no more then 3 cups (but they range from 8oz to 12)