Don't do it and contact all of the credit bureaus and put a fraud alert on your credit report. This is a free service. Once you do this, if they try to open up credit in your name the alert will prompt the establishment to contact you at your home number. It will also stay active for a length of time. Do that today! Second if you provided any banking information, contact your bank. I work at a major company and am a fraud investigator. Never ever do business with a loan company that request fees up front, unless it is for a credit report. They can't tell you anything until they pull your credit, so they shouldn't ask for money for a service that they do not even know if they can provide. A company can really do a credit report for $25.00 but some will charge up to $65 (gives you a monetary amount). Check out the web link that someone provided.
Here are some links of programs that help people and they may be able to direct you to other resources:
Electricity and other:
I added this one because of the comments on the bottom from people that have trouble with the “lite-up” application process.
Vehicle repair/replacement:
May God bless you and your family. I'm praying for you.