It's easier for them to take both breastmilk and formula when they are tiny, but it's not unheard of for them to take both later. You don't know until you try.
B gives you good advice on how to mix them.
This is also how you can switch from formula to cow's milk. Except, you don't want her drinking cow's milk from a bottle. That's when you transition to a sippy cup.
The other thing is that when you get to formula in a bottle, around 11 months or so, start giving her formula that isn't as warm as usual. You want her to gradually get used to cooler formula so that it isn't as much of a shock to start drinking milk from the frig in her sippy cup. I learned this from daycare :) At one year, she doesn't need formula anymore. You can switch to whole milk. (She needs the fat in whole milk - don't give 2% or skim milk...)
Good luck!