I am in the financial industry so trust me on this advice...I do not work with investments but there are guidelines on my company's website that you can find useful. This is public information.
Click here to find out what a comprehensive plan can include and how to prepare for one...
also: http://www.nmfn.com/tn/netserv--wealth_building--page_inv... this link provides information about
Questions you can ask before you work with an advisor...What is his fee structure? As he offers you direction on investments always make sure you understand the fees that may be associated.
About what to prepare...ask him in advance what he is offering during the consultation? If he is providing a complimentary assessment of your previous investments then ask him what he needs to get that done, previous statements,etc...AND exactly what is he providing back to you (is it just verbal or is it an assessment you can keep)
Lastly, I would recommend that you first address your risk management needs before you discuss wealth management or wealth accumulation.
Hope this helps...Good luck!
- Jacqueline