Try Aveeno Daily Baby Lotion, it always helped my kids with their extremely sensitive skin <3
i know it is normal for infants to have pimples, but my three week old has a terrible case of acne. i read it could be hormonal from breastfeeding or it could indicate allergies...my 3 yr old son has terrible food allergies. He had eczema as a baby, but never acne all over his face. Has anyone been recommended a safe remedy? Do i have to wait for it to take its course? She has her one month appointment next week, so I'll see what the pedi says.
Try Aveeno Daily Baby Lotion, it always helped my kids with their extremely sensitive skin <3
Hi Bonnie,
I remember my daughter having the worst of it at four weeks, and that her pediatrician said it is worst at about that time. She had it on her face, back, arms. If I were you, I wouldn't treat it with anything if it's not bothering her. It's perfectly normal from what I understand and will pass in a few weeks. I can't remember when it cleared up exactly for my daughter but I think around three months, and you'd never know she ever had it.
My poor son had it horrible for 3 weeks. A second doctor was even pulled in for a consult to make sure it was acne and nothing else. Apparently their hormone level at the 1 month mark rivals that of a teenager. It all finally went away and he has beautiful perfect skin now.
Congrats on your new baby girl!
I've never heard of infant acne due to allergies. It is very common for infants to have acne-I'm not sure why-but definitely let nature take its course. It doesn't bother her, so I wouldn't subject her to any remedies/meds.
Hi Bonnie, perfectly normal as far as I know and caused by the hormones (not necessarily related to BFing). Not to worry - it will fade soon : ). D.
My son had infant acne for a few weeks. He had clear skin then about a month old his face broke out in acne. My dr. said this is normal and he was right it did clear up on its own.