I had nearly the exact same thing with my first and it ended with a C-section. Just wait. You will be glad you did.
I am due next week with baby #2 and my doctor offered to induce this coming Friday. She said she will break the bag of waters and if that doesn't work then we will try pictocin. I've never heard of breaking the water to induce labor and I'm just curious about the experience others have had with this method. I would love to avoid pictocin so I'm hoping this is successful. I am 3 cm dialated and completely effaced . The only reason we want to induce instead of letting it happen naturally is because we just moved here a couple months ago and have no family to watch our daughter while in labor so having a babysitter planning on being here makes me soooo much less stressed. Thanks in advance!
I was induced as scheduled by breaking rupturing the membranes. Labor was six hours long but only hurt for the last two hours so I was able to avoid an epidural. Everything went great and we are so glad our sweet boy is here! I want to thank everyone who offered positive and encouraging advice or stories - they truly helped my confidence about this procedure.
I had nearly the exact same thing with my first and it ended with a C-section. Just wait. You will be glad you did.
I'm getting induced tomorrow morning at 39 weeks (I have lung issues) and my OB wants to break my water and then use the Pitocin. I don't want my water broken if it doesn't on it's own. It may "speed things along" but there's more of a chance of infection and I heard it's extremely painful. I don't see why they can't give Pitocin first to start contractions and the water break on it's own. Anyways, good luck!!
That is how I did it almost 16 yrs ago. I didn't have any issues. I was on Pit for a chort time though.
Hi L., I would say wait it out if induction is not medically necessary. I was induced because they thought my amniotic fluid was low, they were wrong. After 9 months of natural child birthing lesson and getting prepared, I ended up with an emergency c-section on my 3rd day of labor. That's right 3 whole days. I received pitocin and some kind of cream from day one and on the 3rd morning they also broke my water. All these things did was put me into heavy heavy labor but if the babys not ready, he's not ready. I always think if they just let me go 1 more week maybe He would have come naturally and I would not have had to go through all that. Not to mention the stress it puts on the baby.
My first OB broke my water and it didn't work. So NO, ask her to try pitocin first, my new OB told me he would've never just broken my waters, because it not always works.
Talk to her, I agree with other moms, its better if you let nature run its course.
Good Luck!!
When my dr induced, the night before she put in "cervidel" or "cervidal" or "cervidex" (I don't remember exactly) and then the next morning she broke my waters and started me on pitocin (at the same time). She did that at 5 or 6am. By 5pm I had not dialated past 5cm, so they did a c-section. This is just MY experience with it. Ask your dr what percentages of his/her patients have had successful labor with just the broken waters or with the picotin. I was at 37 weeks. And just b/c dr "offered" to induce doesn't mean you should. Something you and your hubby need to decide with your doctor.
Nope not for me why are you inducing if it's not medically necessary??I would hold off let my body do the natural process..Your going in to get induced what if it doesn't take hrs later the pitocin doesn't start labor well enough to deliver naturally then so many hours have passed by, they don't want you to have a dry birth because the bag of water has already been broken your not dialating, then now the Dr comes in your going to have to have a c-section becasue of what I just mentioned the induction didn't respond well we need to get baby out now.Just something to think about it has happened to alot of women who go in for an induction ending up their body wasn't ready baby to high up,no response or little response to pitocin then haveing to get a c-section.I refused every induction offered it wasn't for me...Not worth the risk in my opinion..GOOD LUCK!!!!!
i had it done with my 1st baby...refused with the 2nd..the back labor was just pure hell.i suggest you just wait it out and go natural...
I agree with the others to let it happen naturally. I had my water broke, but only because I had already been in labor and then it stopped. Breaking it started labor up again and I didn't need any pitocin. Ironically, my only drug free labor was the easiest one!
They broke my water as part of my induction, to try to re-start natural labor, but I ended up with pit. I would not let them do anything so early personally, I would let my body do what it needs to naturally if at all possible. I would not even consider an induction until 42 weeks unless there is a real medical need. I was induced twice at 42 weeks, and both of my boys were under 8 pounds, so they obviously needed that extra time.
I would let your body do what it does best on its own. You have to think about the Baby too, your child. it is the begining of not putting one child( your daughter) before their sibling. I would not do it until your past your due date if you feel you have too. Good luck and congrats
Breaking your water could start labor, but it isn't a guarantee. With both of my kids my water broke on its own. With my daughter I never went into active labor, even with pitocin and ended up with a c-section. I did go into active labor with our son, but stalled out. Ended up on pitocin and had another c-section. In both cases the babies' heart rates were dropping and we were going on 12 hours since my water had broken. If you can wait for labor to happen naturally that might be better.
I can sympathize with you wanting to arrange a babysitter, but please, please, please consider waiting until it happens naturally! Like many other posters, I was talked into being induced by pitocin & breaking my water & as many others ended up with an emergency c-section. Had to get put under, didn't awake until hours after my baby was out. The recovery was painful & long! It is not worth the risk in my opinion!!! I really wish I would have insisted on waiting another week, but it was my first one so I went along with what the Dr. said, not knowing all about the increased chance of a c-section, etc. beforehand. Good luck & I hope you have a great birth & healthy baby.
One thing no one mentioned and that is after your water break you need to deliver the baby within 24 hours other wise the baby could have major problems. You have to remember that that is what your baby lives in. I would asked to get your membrains striped first (had it done with my second), it is safe for you and baby.
I don't have any info. about breaking the water to start labor, but here is something to think about. I on't know how long your first labor lasted. With my first I was induced and ended up in labr for 36 hours. With my second I was induced and in labor for 11 hours. For my third I was not induced. We were in the same boat as you having moved to a new town with no family close and I was worried about not having anyone there to watch my older 2. Here is it went for us... We decided not to induce with the 3rd. I woke up one morning with cramps, kinda like menstrual cramps. I called my MIL and told her what was going on. (Keep in mind I had never had a kid w/o being induced) She said well I think I better come. She had a 6-7 hour drive to get to us. She told me not to do any lifting or heavy cleaning or anything like that. Just pretty much sit back and relax. She got there and about an hour later I went tio the hospital.Now this was my first non-induction and my proir pregnancies had all taken a long time to progress. But I spent most of that day in a slowly progressing labor and while I was worried if my MIL would make it in time I also realized that if you let yourself go into labor on your own it will progress slowly enough to have someone there. BUT if your first came quickly that is something to think about too.
Why does she want to do it a week early? I had my water broke with my 2nd, I had Pictocin but I ended up having a C-Section for failure to progress.
Contrary to a previous poster, I only know of one induction that didn't end in a c-section and I also only know of one naturally started delivery that ended in a c-section - and that was due to complications from gestational diabetes.
I sympathize with you about finding a sitter for your daughter. I have a two year old and worry that the childcare we have lined up will be late/unable to make it in time (a friend of mine just had a baby 28 minutes after arriving at the hospital because her sitter couldn't make it until almost too late!). But on the flipside - I don't want to be in the hospital and away from my 2 year old any longer than I have to, so I will avoid risking a c-section and the longer stay at all costs. Good luck, Mama!
With my first they broke the bag of waters. Things were progressing but slowly before that and then labor just stopped for hours. Breaking the bag of waters will put a time limit on the amount of time they will allow you to go without delivering (approx 24 hrs depending on Dr) which will put you in the posibility of a c-section if time runs out. It isn't a guarentee for starting or speeding labor up. It will also limit your activities. You probably won't be able to go into a tub or shower to ease labor pains. There is a possibility of infection and your Dr will probably limit your movements, positions, and what you sit on. And rest really isn't an option if things slow down because the nurses have to check things more often. With my second I wouldn't let them break the bag of waters and the labor progressed without stopping and it was a much easier birth due to not being worried and not having to deal with the pain coming and going and then coming back and was able to use more variety in pain management with tubs, showers, walking, and rockers and things. Maybe you should call around to some in home daycares to see if you can find a licensed provider that would take your daughter for this event. A friend of mine used to do this overnight for her clients when they were in the hospital. Good luck!
I went for my appointment and the doctor discovered I was 5 cm dialated and did the membrane strip in the office and sent me to the hospital. He broke my water at 3:30 pm and I delivered 5:45 pm. I did not have the pictocin only a shot to relax me. This was 33 years ago in Quebec so it was all natural.
I would wait until the appointed time and if and only then I would have the induction. Convenience is nice but mother nature does not like people messing about with her plans.
May you have a healthy baby and safe delivery.
The other S.
you have gotten a number of personal responses -- this can be helpful but it can also be misguided. You have many questions that need to be answered by an RN or MD.
1.The idea that you only have 24hrs once ruptured is untrue -- some docs will just start you on antibiotics.
2. it doesn't hurt to rupture membranes, the cervcal exam may be uncomfortable
3. you may have to start pit if you don't go into active labor but that doesn't mean you will eventually need a c-section!
4. inductions can take days, but not typically, to get you into active labor so no real guarantees when you will have #2
5 some docs will not let you walk or shower once the water is broke -- all docs differ in their practice
6. what was your last labor like?
7 3cm and 100% can last for awhile with out active labor.
why don't you want pit? are you planning an epidural? are you GBS +?
in general I don't agree with inductions -- so many women are doing it for the wrong reasons. you need to be comfortable with your decision. call your providers office or talk to a labor RN at the hosp you plan to deliver, find out how things usually go there. who will be the on-call doc that weekend? how does he/she respond to different situations?
good luck. breathe. breathe. breathe.
With my first my water broke on its own and my doctor put me on pitocin shortly after, I still don't know why. With my second, I had an induction at 40 weeks, pitocin and then they broke my water. With both, I had my kids within 6 hours, although I react very strongly to epidurals, they dilate me. I wish my doc had just broken my water first. That is when the contractions really got hard. A lot of times your water does not break on its own. And if I had let nature "take its course" I would have birthed a turkey. My friend had cervidal placed the night before for both of hers. Like you, she was counting on family being there for her other child and for the first, he hubby traveled and she wanted him home for the delivery. I think she had a bit of pitocin for one of them, but she had the babies just fine, no C Section necessary. I know a lot of responders will tell you all about C Section risk, but I know an equal amount of inductions that end up with a vaginal delivery. And I also know of an incredible amount of women who went into labor naturally and still ended up with C Sections. Do what you think is best for you, but check out the cervidol option. You can also ask him to strip your membranes. That put me and my SIL in labor within 3 days.
My first induction at 37 weeks was started with pitocin. My doctor broke my water about ten hours later. (It was quick and easy and didn't hurt--- maybe because my epidural was in full swing.) My second induction at 38 weeks was also started with pitocin and my water broke naturally about four hours later. (Again no pain or discomfort from it but I also had my epidural.) I totally understand your need to coordinate so someone can watch your daughter. It sounds like your Dr. is on board and that you are in good hands. Good luck with number two!!!
I had identical twins 5 years ago, I had the normal pre term labor with it and everytime the drs. ended up stopping it 4 times. I ended up needing to be induced because my blood pressure was way too high. My girls split early enough that they each had their own amnotic sac. I was dialated at 3 when the doctor broke baby #1's water and because of the blood pressure they had to put me on magnesium sulfate and that can stop labor so they had to put me on pitocin as well. Got my epideral when I got to 4 cm - induced at 1:30pm, delivered baby #1 at around 7:15, broke baby #2's water and 7 minutes later she was out.
My Dear welcome to an entirely new adventure in motherhood with 2 children. I have had the water broke on 3 of 5 children. It was not a problem for any of them. I wish you the greatest of joy and happiness with your new little one.
Not me, but my friend had it done with her second baby and went into labor and had her baby the next day. Her doctor did it in her office hoping it would put her in labor since they were estimating a big baby. I guess sometimes it works and puts you in labor but sometimes it doesn't. Good luck!!