i am not a ferber fan, too formulated and non responsive, for me. i think it is well intended but it gets abused by some parents in my opinion.
it sounds like he needs more sleep. i would try an earlier bedtime. if he is not napping he may be ready for bed by 7:00 or 7:30. some kids run hot so a bath will actually wake them up before bed. try a really consistent routine - same thing same time every night. experiment. try laying with him and reading and then telling a "lights out" story until he goes to sleep. think about it as teaching him self relaxation for later on. i tell him to and i also connect with my breath, i tell my son stories about having an active day with lots of sun and fresh air and then lying on the beach or in a meadow with people or pets he loves, and all of the things he can feel, (gentle breeze, warm sun, etc.) smell (trees, fresh air,etc.), see - white puffy clouds, blue sky, trees dancing in the wind like gracefull ballerinas, etc. and i talk about how his eyeslids are getting heavy and he's safe to drift off in his cozy bed with mommy and daddy right here in the house, and then last i say what he can hear, and it works like a charm every time. you can start out in bed next to him and then slowly move to be sitting by his bed, then by the door, then outside the door. also say i will be back to check on you when he is almost asleep, and come right back. when my son gave up naps at 3yrs old, he began sleeping from 8pm to 8am. or 7:00 t0 7:00 depending on daylight savings. above all, remember, it's a phase, it will pass, be kind to him and yourselves, set firm but kind boundaries and don't afraid to be creative and to experiment. i would never lock my child in his room. i would, for an older child, not a two year old, maybe 4 or 5, say, it's time for bed, i am going to sit right here inside your door while you go to sleep. and if they are not cooperating with getting in bed, i might sit outside the door and say, i am going to stay here until you calm down and are ready to go to sleep. and if they calm down, get in bed, and want me to come sit inside i would. good luck!