I see things from both sides; a parent and a teacher. They are closely intertwined, so I'll try my best to explain how I feel about summer ending without the lines blurring too much. As a parent, I get what you are saying about their fighting and whining... it does ramp up at this point in the summer for sure. My oldest is excited about her 2nd grade teacher and class. My little one is starting kindergarten, but because she starts at literally the worst time of the year for me (because I am a teacher starting up my own class), I haven't had time to dwell on the fact that she is entering school. This is probably a very good thing... I am not sure how I'm going to handle her first day, since I get choked up just thinking about it. But I truly love summer - the ease of throwing flip flops on and just GOING, the long days, the lack of pressure to have dinner on the table by a certain time, the extra quality time with the kids, just talking and playing.
As a teacher, I get excited about meeting my new class, beginning a new year or learning, and seeing my teacher friends again. And yes, I even enjoy meeting the parents for the first time! But I am NEVER ready for the constant stress headaches, the piles of papers I don't get to correcting because I have my own family and don't wish to work all weekend at home, the unreasonable demands from administrators, the fact that the job of a teacher has become disproportionately way too large for one mere woman to tackle. And of course, the slamming we get from the public, when we are working our tails off and sacrificing our own time and money for our students, yet it never seems to be enough.
So there's my mixed bag of emotions and feelings. Enjoy your quiet time at home without your older two.