We're not Debt Free yet, but we are on our way. We've just finished the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University, and I have to say, I loved it! Honestly, A., it is THE BEST class I have taken. When I am Debt Free, I am giving this class as a gift for Brides/Grooms and graduates.
Yes, we should have learned this a while back...like when we learned to how to add. lol I'm just glad I know it now. I just can't tell you how much information and how valuable the information is that you learn there.
One thing that Dave teaches is to have your Emergency Fund. I know it can be hard to get it and keep it saved. Believe me, I know. Once we got ours together, we had to replace ALL 4 tires on our car! There went 75% of our Emergency Fund. lol But keep working at it. Sell stuff to get that Fund going. It will bring you a peace of mind that you've always dreamed of.
When those tires blew, and we had that money saved, my gosh...what a different feeling I had! It wasn't stressful to me. It was disappointing that we would have to save it again, but it was so relieving, knowing the money was there!
True financial peace, comes when you are not only debt free, but as Dave teaches, when we can "give like no one else". I know, for me, I would love to donate giving parties for kids with life-threatening illnesses. I would want to pay for everything...cake, decorations, etc. I want to have the money to do that and give them and their families a magical moment...at NO cost to them! (They have enough medical bills as it is.) I want to do that; so, that encourages me to get out of debt so I CAN do that! :)
So, stick to it! Be strong and go for it with Gazelle intensity! If you need to chat more, e-mail me. I'd love to motivate one another and encourage each other. Take care, and I wish you all the best in your goal of being debt free! :) God be with you!