(((name))) hug to a specific person
(((HUG))) hug to room
{{{ }}} also hug
: ) = smile
: -) = smile
(-: = left handed smile
:-/ = perplexed or confused
:-D = really big grin
: - ( = sad
; -( = crying
:-o = surprised or shocked
:-O = really surprised or shocked
;-) = wink
8-) = big eyes smile or smile with glasses
< > = anything put in these marks is meant to express the feelings of the chatter, ex:
<frown> indicates a frown
<g> = indicates a grin
<grin> = indicates a grin
<s> = indicates a smile
<smile> = indicates a smile
<smirk> = indicates a smirk
<wink> = indicates a wink
AAMOF = as a matter of fact
ASAP = as soon as possible
BK = back
BAK = back at keyboard
BBL = be back later
BBS = be back soon
BBFN = bye bye for now
BFN = bye for now
BRB = be right back
BRBGGP = be right back gotta go potty
BTW = by the way
CRAFT = can't remember a fricking thing
CRS = can't remember stuff (or use your imagination for S)
CU = see you
CUL8R = see you later
CYA = see ya
FUBAR = fouled up beyond all recognition
FYI = for your information
GMTA = great minds think alike
GP = general practitioner
GTG = got to go
HB = hurry back
IMHO = in my humble opinion
IMNSHO = in my not so humble opinion
IMO = in my opinion
JK = joke
J/K = just kidding
K = okay
LOL = laughing out loud
LOLROF = laughing out load, rolling on floor
LMAO = laughing my a** off (use your imagination)
LTNS = long time no see
MYOB = mind your own business
NP = no problem
OIC = oh I see
PCP = primary care physician
PULMO = pulmonary
ROF = rolling on floor
ROTF = rolling on the floor
ROFLMAO = rolling on floor laughing my a** off
ROFLOL = rolling on floor laughing out loud
RT = respiratory therapist
SATS = referring to pulse oximetry value
SNAFU = situation normal all fouled up
SOL = sh** out of luck
SOS = same old stuff (or use you imagination)
TTFN = ta ta for now
TTYL = talk to you later
TU = thank you
TY = thank you
WB = welcome back
WTG = way to go
YW = your welcome