Probably a sebaceous cyst - they tend to be benign but rarely go away on their own. My brother had one for a long time that he finally had removed - requires a visit to the doctor to be done.
I have a place where my lobe meets my face that feels like it has a zit head in it. It is the area right next to my face. It is pea sized and runs from the front of my ear to the back of my ear. It has been there a month and a half and has not headed up yet. so if it is not a zit what is it. I put acne medication on it daily. I use a daily face wash, stridex, and a cream for acne by avon. any ideas
So I tried the tea and the heat seems to help. I was also suggested drawing salve. I put really hot water on it in the bath tub ( i like really hot baths. then I peroxided it and got lots of bubbles. and put drawing salve on it. it is switching from burning to itching. it seems to be going down it doesn't hurt to lay on it now and I am going to the doc friday. It is not going down real fast but I seem to be getting progress on it.
Probably a sebaceous cyst - they tend to be benign but rarely go away on their own. My brother had one for a long time that he finally had removed - requires a visit to the doctor to be done.
A cyst? A swollen gland? Lots of glands in that area. I would have it checked just to be sure.
it's probably nothing, but if I were you I'd let a dermatologist look at it just to be sure.
Sebaceous cyst.
Just some ideas.
I had one like that on my elbow for months.
THEN one day, it was all red/hot/infected and looked like a boil.
I went to the Doc.
Was put on oral antibiotics.
Was told it is Cellulitis. Staph infection.
And it has since, gotten better.
But if it did not, then when ripened, the sore would have had to been lanced.
Don't touch it or squeeze it. It can make it worse. That's what the Doc told me.
I was doing that before seeing the Doc, trying to squeeze it and pop it myself.
Could be the sign of infection, could be more, could be nothing. Likely, it's not a big deal. You really need to get it looked at, though.
It's probably a cyst. If it get's larger and doesn't go away in another few weeks then have it checked out. It's common to get a cyst there.
It's really hard to say... could be anything from a cyst to a tumor. I had something similar to what you are describing a couple of years ago. It was there for about a month before I went to the doctor. It wasnt bothering me at all, but when the doctor looked at it, he decided to try to lance it and then run some tests. As it turns out, it was MRSA. SCARY!!!! Bottom line - get a doctor to look at it.
sebaceous cyst. it's like an "oil duct gone wild."
a dermatologist can tell you for sure and then remove it.
My son had one on his chest several years ago....
it might be a boil! You should get it looked at. At the very least they could drain it for you or give you the correct meds to fix it.
It is most likely cystic acne, the kind that goes very deep and is usually painful and long lasting, that forms under the skin, so you won't see the typical red like 'zit'. It's weird, I get one in that same place too every once in a while.
I had something like that once and it was just an inflammed nodule (sp?) is what my dr called it. They were going to 'open it' and take out the stuff underneath it, but then the swelling finally went down after 2 months (about 3 days before they were going to work on it) so I just didn't think about it again.
It could also be ringworm? MRSA? but the second would most likely be bothering you or would have eventually headed up already.
i would say it is nothing, maybe just a very deep clogged pore, but I would go and see a dermotologist or a general if you can.
It may be an inflamed lymph node. I had one around that area before and it took months for it to go away. GL
it might be a cyst- try putting a hot tea bag on it- hot herbal tea actual tea- see if that brings it to a head if not you might need to call a dermatologist.
If it's not a cyst, maybe some type of a mole or a wart?
don't listen to your friend