Hey, F.,
I am with you on thinking there is too much junk food in your daughter's school! (Also, what happens if the children have an allergy to a food that is brought in...i.e., peanuts!! YIKES!!! Or a child in the class who is diabetic??)
Instead of thinking what the school is doing to counteract what you are feeding your child, why not think of it as YOU counteracting what the school is feeding your child??
I think it is SAD that the teacher put it on YOU to come up with the list of HEALTHY foods for the kids to receive as "rewards" for their lessons, when it appears that she does not care about the health of the children in her care. (If she feels they have to be "rewarded", why not use stickers or special privileges for the things she wants the kids to accomplish??)
You didn't mention if your child is going to a public school or private school, but if it IS a public school, then the teacher is in violation of a lot of the new laws that have recently been passed to get our children to eat healthier. Maybe you should contact the district's administrative offices and discuss the issue with them.
Personally, since my child has a form of Autism, and I have a nephew that has Asperger's syndrome, and know a LOT of kids with allergies, diabetes (myself), or gluten/lactose, etc intolerance, I would find myself withdrawing my child from the school for fear of a MAJOR MEDICAL DISASTER.
Hope you can get this straightened out, or find another school for your daughter, and soon!!!