If I went to sleep at 2am, I would definitely need to sleep until 1100am...
I suggest you start resetting your own clock. This will probably not happen instantaneously for you...and could take up to 3 weeks...as it takes 21 days of doing something 'new' for it become a habit.
You have to start practicing better sleep hygiene....
Start going to bed 15 minutes earlier every couple of nights. Watch a clock. Set a timer. Just do it.
You must learn to find ways to relax at night to signal your body and brain into a healthy sleep pattern.
Those can include things like: drinking chamomile tea, taking a hot bath (take it with your baby girl...that's a lot of fun and relaxing too!!), try using Melatonin or Valerian Root for the next few weeks to help you re-set your clock; cut out caffeine after 3pm, don't watch scary or stimulating movies, etc.
Set your alarm clock 15 minutes earlier every few days. Even if you don't get up with it....set it and never turn it off. You will eventually start to arouse.
Start your day with a strong cup of coffee or tea. And eat a high protein breakfast and lots of good fruits and veggies throughout the day, plus lots of fluids.
Get outside and get sunshine everyday.
You sound like you could be battling depression or an auto immune disease, but even Lupus doesn't keep one in bed like you describe, unless they are having serious attacks.
Try and try and try to work with your personal habits. Join a mother's group at a local library for story time, or YMCA swim class....commit to something free or low in cost as you mention your finances are tight, and get up and get out. Do something during the day to make yourself and your little girl feel good about being together. Joining others and belonging to one's community is empowering.
Your sweet, little girl must be bored out of her mind just watching you sleep 'forever.' It's unfair to her. Even though you state your little girl is very smart, she needs interaction and socialization and you must try to provide this for her. She will miss out on normal cognitive developmental milestones without exposure.
And make sure to follow up with your doctor about your blood work and possible health concerns.
And, are you taking a whole foods, healthy, natural Multi-Vitamin?