In addition to your Abreva/Carmex/Campho products, try taking motrin or advil to reduce the swelling and pain for a few days.
My sister puts straight bleach/clorox, or rubbing alcohol directly on hers with a pin or soaked toothpick. Painful as heck, but it knocks the virus dead in it's track and the lesions dry and clear up faster.
Knock on wood, but I had a cold sore once back in highschool (30 yrs. ago) and I started using Carmex or Camphor products every day. I might miss a night or two, but I apply that lip medication pretty much nightly, and I swear it wards the virus off before it gets going. So after this break out, make sure to apply something daily for the rest of your life and see if you don't see improvement. I forget that I even had that sore until I read this and now I remember why I use carmex all the time.