Honestly, you need to slow down and pace yourself before you burn out!! I'm not saying your hubby is in the clear right now but......your son sounds like he is still very young right? He doesn't need 24/7 held suppervision. If you need to take a shower and your hubby is home, lay your son on the floor with some toys or in the swing or bouncy chair in the same room as hubby and take a shower. And don't ask your hubby to watch him either. Tell him you are taking a shower and you are leaving the baby in the room with him! Same goes for when you are cleaning up after dinner or what not. Heck don't say anything at all, leave the baby playing on the floor and do your thing. And relax your schedlue with the baby as well. He doesn't need to be bathed ever night, or baby exercises every day or held all of his waking moments as much as we would like to.
As far as your hubby goes......you need to set him straight on what your needs are with help around the house and the baby. Yes, most men are either great and do everything for the baby (I thought my hubby would have fallen into that catagory) or they are scared of the baby and how to met their needs (that is where my hubby was) and it would make them feel less of a man to admit that! My hubby wouldn't change a poopy diaper, or bathe him till he was sitting up on his own and got frustrated when he couldn't make him stop crying unless it was for a bottle! This is something you are going to have to ease him into. Tell him how it makes you feel when he doesn't help with the baby and that you would really appreciate a hand from him. Also, you say you are nursing, does the baby co sleep with you? I did that with both of my kids and it was so much easier on me to wake up in the middle of the night, offer the breast and fall back to sleep, wake up 2hrs later and change sides. I did that till they were sleeping though the night by about 2 months old. Also, if you are pakcing his diaper bag every day, how much of that can you leave at the day care?? A few changes of clothes and a package of diapers, and possibly some wipes so all you have to do is make sure his milk is there every day.
Just remember to slow down!! you are not super woman and no one expects you to get it all done in one day!