My husband is perpetually skinny no matter what...this can be a good excuse to eat anything so the method I've used to help him lean towards healthy living is being an example to his children. I had parents who preached but didn't practice, as did he (probably most of us did!). In other words, if he doesn't want his children eating french fries, then he better not buy any for himself! Anyway, when we eat better, they eat better.
As for weight gain, I am good at that. I'm also good at losing. I know that it doesn't matter what my husband thinks about my weight and I know that if I'm leaning on the heavy end of things, I'm only going to do something about it when I want to do something about it. If my doctor offered me no help, I'd go to a different doctor. I can tell you for myself that when I eat things that have lived at one time (fruits, veggies, protein) and excercise at least 20 minutes a day (concentrating on both strength training and cardio), the weight comes off. I also know from my sister that since she has been overweight for many years, she can live healthy but it doesn't mean she will lose weight quickly...the longer you carry it, the longer it takes to take off. Anyway, the best advice I can give anyone is to live as an example. When I'm bothering to do that, life seems to go better and more smoothly.
Anyway, I could talk all day about how to get weight off. It's really simple in all actuality. It's when I get a bad attitude about life and I don't care so much that the weight starts piling on.
Hope this helps!
S. - 35, married 11 years, at-home-mom to Avery-10, Anna-7 and Lily-2