My youngest daughter has also just started preschool, 2 half days, and she is 3. I'm having similar problems. mine fortunatly are at home and not at school. Any change nomatter how small or how good is hard for a little one. 3 or not they are still babies. I'm a daycare provider so my daughter ahs always been with other kids and she is one of the youngest of 5 in the house so sharing and getting along with others has been a fact of her life since day one. school is still a big adjustment though. new people, new athourity figures, new things to do and see, it's a lot. nommatter how happy and ready a child is to go to school they don't always adjust quickly or well in the beggining. With my daughter i've found that since she has to share and listen in such a structured environment at school she comes home and doesn't want to do it anymore. what's worked for me is a lot of praise for what she is doing that we like, we have a star chart that is just great, and very firm boundries, if she wants to hit and throw a tantrum she does it in her room alone, since your son is acting out at school you could try talking to him about why he is hitting and see if you can't get him to wait till he is at home in a safe place and give him a pillow. a designated kick and scream and hit and be grumpy place, and then let him go. he's probally just frusterated about the change and he will get used to it but it's hard when they are in school so infrequently. good luck and just remember he's still a baby and he will get through this.