I do not think you are wrong. I woul dmake sure that if someone offers to watch your children to do 2 things. One meet at your house, let your children lead. Let them talk. Watch. Watch. Watch. Then I would ask to meet at their house. Again, watch watch watch. You know your kids. You know yourself. If you are feeling comfortable. Go for it. If you are not feeling comfortable, DO NOT. I explain to my friends that a lot of things. Most don't understand. I was/am a younger Mom. I have friends who are mostly older than me. Some don't have kids. They are great friends, but not able to see the difference in being overprotective and wanting to do what works in my life. There are things that I am not willig to do. I understand what you are going through, but I have learned through being called overprotective most of my 5 years as a Mom, to not rule out new options.