Talk to your pediatrician. No doctor I ever heard of wants a baby having 5 bottles at night. It sounds like you are feeding him because you don't know what else to do, and he's using the bottle as a comfort measure rather than for food. A 7 month old does not need to eat at all during the night, assuming there are no major medical problems, and he absolutely needs the sleep. I cannot believe that the adults in your house are losing that much sleep as well - there is serious sleep deprivation going on and none of you should be doing anything dangerous like driving a car or operating power equipment.
Your child is not eating during the day because he's eating all night long.
He needs to learn to calm down and fall back asleep. Sometimes the time change affects kids, sometimes they are teething and a bit uncomfortable, but they do not need a bottle. In fact, if they start to get teeth, the bottle is terrible for them at night because the formula or milk pools in their mouths and starts tooth decay even in the young years. So stop that immediately.
If you don't know how to calm your baby, go to the library and get a book on Dr. Ferber's method. I got my 6 month old to sleep through the night by doing that, and it took just 3 nights - and it's what the pediatrician recommended. There are other ways, but the absolute worst thing to do is to give a bottle at night at this age. He will not starve, and he will make up for it during the day by eating more. And you will all be happier.
And you don't want to have a toddler or elementary school aged child who reaches for food every time he is upset or cranky. That's a horrible existence of food dependency.
Please have a good chat with your pediatrician immediately if you don't think you can do this on your own.