the hardware store will sell paint thinner. Perhaps soaking it in that, then scraping it with an abbrasive scrubber would help. Take the glass to the hardware store and ask the guys in the paint dept. I bet they'll know for sure if it'd work.
Someone gave us a beautiful glass decaunter with 2 glasses (forever ago) but I hate that they are painted so gaudy!! I want to remove the paint, but I don't know how without scratching it off with a razor blade and I don't want to scratch or damage the glass. Is there any kind of chemical something or other that will remove the paint safely? It don't come off in the dishwasher :( Maybe nail polish remover or paint thinner or something?! Or is it on there for good??
the hardware store will sell paint thinner. Perhaps soaking it in that, then scraping it with an abbrasive scrubber would help. Take the glass to the hardware store and ask the guys in the paint dept. I bet they'll know for sure if it'd work.
Acetone MIGHT work...however, before you go and do that - I agree with Gamma G - research it to make sure it's not worth anything....some of those "gaudy" things can be worth a pretty penny.
If you find it's not worth anything - then go to Lowe's or Home Depot and ask them for tips on what they would use to remove paint from glass.
Best of luck!!
Before possibly damaging the value of this set I'd make sure it wasn't worth anything. Maybe looking at the bottom can tell you who made it and when.
Then go to a hobby store like hobby lobby and look on the paint isle and see if there is something to remove the paint or dissolve it is what it really needs.
Try Sol-U-Mel (may need to try it concentrated and not mixed). It is a great stain remover and will typically remove paint too.
Maybe rubbing alcohol?