See a therapist. Consider medication. I don't have anxiety, but I have a close family member who does and being in treatment has made an enormous difference.
Does anyone else out there have anxiety issues and what do you do? I have battled this my entire life it seems like and since I've had kids it has gotten worse. The past couple nights I haven't been able to sleep do to it. I try to talk to my husband but sometimes after talking about the same issue over and over again he just doesn't understand why I'm still worried about something. I wish I could explain it to him, but I think it's something that only someone who has these issues understands. I know some of the things I worry about I shouldn't be or I just need to let it be because there is nothing I can do about it. I worry about my kids being made fun of (which all kids are going to be made fune of at some point) and fitting in. I would like to point out that both kids are happy and healthy, and I tell myself to focus on that and usually I can but sometimes I have difficulties.
Thanks for your suggestions. I have a doctors appt. coming up, so I will talk to my doctor and go from there. By the way I do totally understand my husbands frustrations because I get frustrated with myself when I'm having the issues.
See a therapist. Consider medication. I don't have anxiety, but I have a close family member who does and being in treatment has made an enormous difference.
you have got to get help. i think you can understand your husband's frustration, can't you? you're worrying about things that may not happen and that can't be forestalled, and after he listens a couple of times but can't fix it for you, what's he supposed to do?
get help.
if your anxiety is making you fret about your healthy kids' normal challenges, and preventing you from sleeping, you need help.
it's okay to get help when you need it.
I could have written this myself, I know exactly how you feel. My anxiety is all related to my kids being left out, picked on, etc. It started when my son was in 3rd grade and was completely dropped by his group of friends. Now, my daughter, who is 9, is dealing with a triangle friendship in our neighborhood. Very tough. My heart aches and I feel myself getting nauseous. Here is what I can tell you....I finally went and talked with my primary care doctor and she put me on an anti-anxiety med that has helped a lot. I still feel the pangs, but I can keep them under control better. I have been on it for 2 years. I tried going off it once, but I felt the anxiety overwhelming me again, so I went back on. It's helped a great deal. There is also a great book called "Mindset" which helps you to rethink how you view things. I read it recently and found it helpful. GOOD LUCK.
I have found meditation to be a FABULOUS source of comfort. My meditation centers around mindfulness - or being in the present and paying attention to what is actually going on... rather than my thoughts, which are abstract and most of the time not grounded in rational thought.
Also, several years ago, I worked through the book "when Panic Attacks" by David Burns. I was having actual panic attacks, on top of general anxiety, and completing the exercises in the book allowed me to get control of my physical symptoms - rapid hear rate (>180 bpm), excessive sweating, shortness of breath..... when there was NO identifiable immediate trigger. I would urge you to work through that book.
I will still pull it out from time to time and complete some of the exercises if I feel myself getting ramped up.
Good Luck.
Your husband can't understand because he doesn't have this anxiety
For most men, unless they can see you bleeding or a wound, they don't
get it.
I started getting anxiety after the birth of my child. I think this mainly
happens to women. I worry about his safety etc. I think most moms can identify with this in some way. When you have a child, your entire universe is turned upside down. What was once important is not as important now that you have a little one to take care. Plus the world becomes a scarier place filled with dangers.
I would talk to your primary doctor. He or she can either help you or refer you to a counselor to speak with. Sometimes they prescribe anxiety medicine to help deal with it. They are usually light meds to be taken only when necessary.
I have the same issues. Now looking back I have suffered with this all my life. Mine escalated after I had my daughter. Maybe the hormones brought it to a peek. That was when I finally found out what true anxiety disorder was. I obsess about death mostly. But I also fear constantly that kids will be mean to my daughter. Or she will feel left out ect.... I am trying my hardest to let go of that as she needs to handle things and go through these types of things in order to survive life. I take an anti anxiety med which helps. I refuse to take anything of a narcotic like zanax or klonopin. I had taken klonopin for a few weeks only once a day after my mom was diagnosed with cancer. My anxiety level was insane. It helped but honestly even just taking a very low dose for a few weeks I had withdrawl effects. I know I will live with this my whole life. Its a part of who I am. My husband too gets annoyed. He tries. But like you said everyone gets annoyed when we are panicking about things with no good reason. We cannot control it and I wish people would understand. But I get it. So many people have this. No one ever likes to admit it or talk about it. Do not suffer. Talk to your dr. The ani anxiety meds take a few weeks to build up but trust me you will feel like yourself again. Good luck.
oh lordy-how i dont miss those days-what you need to do is-walk yourself thru the anxiety attack-deep breathing helps-and realize that some things are just out of your control.if possible-go talk to your dr.get on some meds.i didnt have that option-my kids are in their 30,s.i still get anxiety attacks,but talk myself thru it.plus im on a real mild antianxiety pill.does wonders.good luck
Hi. From what I understand, every parent goes through some type of anxiety. and we all want what is best for our kids.
when such anxiety starts interfering with your life, then it is the time to perhaps speak to someone. Does that make sense.
You are definitely not alone. It does sound like perhaps talking to some type of professional could be of help.
Best of Luck.
You are a great mom.