I tried to get a girl by having sex at the begining of my ovualation. Since boy swimmers are fast but dont last over 2 days. Also, raise my legs up afterwards for a few minutes. Guess it worked for me i have 2 girls now. 4yrs and 10 monts
Hi everyone! I am hoping to find some tips or even old-wives-tales on how to conceive a girl.
I tried to get a girl by having sex at the begining of my ovualation. Since boy swimmers are fast but dont last over 2 days. Also, raise my legs up afterwards for a few minutes. Guess it worked for me i have 2 girls now. 4yrs and 10 monts
You're kidding!.....Right???
Supposedly if you have sex 3 or 4 days before you ovulate you have a better chance of getting a girl. The boys swim faster and won't make it to ovulation but the girl swimmers are slower and live longer.......
Read the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" and it will give you the details including how to chart so you know when you will be ovulating.
Don't know if it works. We didn't "try" for either sex.
I would go by the Chinese birth chart also. Everyone I've known (except my niece) falls into the birth chart categories. it goes by your age and the month you conceive. i don't know how it works since they say that it's the male that determines what you will have. but after i had my kids i looked and it was spot on.
Read the book "Fertility Signs" . The book will teach you to recognize what part of the cycle that you are in and when you are most likely to conceive a girl. I used the book and followed the advise and conceived a girl.
+1 on the "you're kidding, right?" response.
lol this is a hard question to answer unless u just have the dr to help i dont know what to say. The old wifes tales are fun but not so right. Im 7 mo and all (old wifes tales) pointed to a girl first it was the chinese chart then the heart rate and the ring on a string thing and even the first ultrasound pointed to a girl but a month and a lot of baby girl shopping later we had another ultrasound and its a boy lol. So i go with the prayer advice. Good luck. I was blessed with two girls and two boys counting the one on the way.
hi G.! sorry hunny, only God decides that one!
There is a book called How to choose the sex of your baby, you can probably find it at the library. I used it and have a boy and a girl, note - the boy was much easier to raise - just saying.