I intended to go back to work and was granted some additional leave for a total of 4 months, but I couldn't go back! The company, CH2MHILL, is pro-telecommuting and we actually had a telecommuter in my small group, a dad, that worked exclusively from home full-time doing contract work. Unfortunately, he lobbied hard for this privilege under the previous manager, but the manager while I was working there would have been a harder sell. If you do want to continue working, I would suggest you check out Working Mother magazine. I subscribed and it has great hints and also a list of 100 mom-friendly companies.
As for staying home, my husband is in sales and we figured we could just get by with not many extras and using any comissions to cover any small monthly deficits instead of extra, fun money or put it in savings. He also is provided with a nice company car, so we only have one car payment and I've been driving so little that we are actually going to downgrade mine soon so we can pay it off. We had zero credit card debt so we don't have to worry about that. I was a total clotheshorse while I was working and now I realized how much more I could have put away even in just the few months before my daughter was born. So I've sold off a ton of stuff on ebay and just kept the essentials in case I returned back to work. We also buy things on ebay & craigslist, watch for items on freecycle.org, and use coupons. We try to eat at home or for cheap - Costco is our ideal lunch spot now, ha!
Good luck with whatever choice you make!