In my opinion, I want to enjoy each and every holiday, so now that Halloween is over, I have out all of my Thanksgiving things. I have bright fall leaves, little wicker turkeys, candle holders that look like "thanksgiving" stuff and some "harvest" stuff. Some of it is left over from Halloween, some is just for Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving for me is a time that deserves it's own time in the spot light, so I allow it several weeks to decorate my home! Come Thanksgiving evening, I'm like Santa! I put out my tree that night! As for the Christmas lights, get them up at any time starting now on a warm weekend, just don't turn them on until Thanksgiving night. Try to make it a good balance so you can enjoy each and every holiday! Don't forget after Christmas is New Year's, Valentine's Day, St. Pat's Day, Easter, Passover, it never ends! :)