Both my kids at that age, napped everyday for about 2 hours.
They went to bed by 8:00pm. And they wake up the next morning between 6-6:30am. So they got at least 10 hours of night time sleep, plus their naps during the day. And this worked for them and they had no problems falling asleep at night.
BUT, PRIOR to bedtime, I set the stage. Meaning, from about 1 hour before their actual bedtime- I make everything quiet, dark with like only 1 lamp on, keep things low key, etc. Because, a child that age and older, needs to keel down and wind down, before bed.
They do not instantly fall asleep... once their head hits the pillow.
With my kids, naps and bedtime was not a battle.
But, from Toddlerhood onward, a child does need to wind-down first, before bed. IF for example, my Husband horse-played with them before bed... or they did physically active things before bed... they got too wound up and "hyper" before bed, and therefore, they COULD NOT WIND DOWN for bedtime. And it sabotaged, their whole ability to fall asleep, well.
My kids are now 6 and 10. And still, they go to bed at about the same time. 8:30 is my ideal, that they fall asleep by. Because, I know them and if they go to bed at this time, they are rested, the next day. But if they get less sleep than that at night, they are tired, the next day.
However, keep in mind, that a Toddler, is an age of changing developmentally. They are not and do not, fall asleep the same way as when they were a "baby." At this age on, their cognition and imaginations, are changing. So, along with that, falling asleep and whatnot, can be a tad more "difficult." But know your child's cues... for tiredness. And what they need per sleep amounts.
A child has a bedtime. BUT, that does not mean... they fall asleep, AT that time. It is only the time that we as a parent, hopes they go to bed. So, if you want your child to go to bed at 7:30pm... then start the bedtime routines... PRIOR to the actual bed, time. So that the child can segue, into it and wind-down, first.
Then for example, if my son bathes right before bed, it actually will "wake" him more. So I don't bathe him before bed nor make it a part of the bedtime routine. I know his, cues. But for my daughter, a bath will relax her and help her segue into bedtime.
Know your child's cues. For sleep needs and tiredness.
For me, naps at this age, are needed. Even in Preschool they have nap times, and in Kindergarten as well.
Also, Toddlers need to get physical activity. So for me, in the MORNINGS, was when I got out and about with my kids and did physically active stuff. Their bodies, are so kinetic as Toddlers. They need to run around. It gets out their yah-yah's, and tires them out, too.
So everyday, some sort of physical activity, is needed. It impacts their whole day. But you need to time it. Per their naps and bedtimes.