If he is only sleeping until 7 or 7:30 I would try putting him down earlier. My son at 1 year was finally a good sleeper. He slept from 9pm to 9am. And took a good two to three hour nap in the afternoon. The first nap your son is taking is pretty much an extension of sleep from the night before, so he does need it. Maybe he will go down ealier in the morning. Perhaps feed him and see if he will go back to sleep. I did this with my son from 10 months to 13 months. Then he started to sleep later and later. Finally he was sleeping 12 hours straight. If you do cut down to one nap make sure he sleeps through for two hours. Make sure he eats enough that morning and afternoon. Then put him down, he may wake up after 45 minutes but he should go back to sleep. My son would do that. He would wake up and cry for a minute and go back to sleep and sleep for another hour and a half. He is almost two and still sleeps for two hours in the afternoon. Some mornings he wakes up at 7:30, but he stays in his crib dozing in and out until 8:30. On Saturday, he slept until 9. His bedtime has been 9 o'clock since he was 10 months old. It doesn't really matter how many naps they have, as long as they are sleeping enough through the night plus the naps. About 13-14 hours I think??