I use the same guidelines that they give for formula feeding.
If it hasn't been drank from - 2 hours
Once it has been drank from - 1 hour
When we go out with our toddler I take milk in his sippy. I am not sure how long I can keep it before throwing it away. Is it ok to give it to him as long as the milk doesn't taste bad?
He doesn't like to drink his milk very cold. I always microwave few seconds everytime , so he is ok with it if I leave milk out of the refrigerator. I want to know how long before the milk gets spoilt and has to be discarded.
I use the same guidelines that they give for formula feeding.
If it hasn't been drank from - 2 hours
Once it has been drank from - 1 hour
I throw out any food products that need to be refrigerated if they've been out for an hour or longer.
An hour max. We take water when we go out for the afternoon. Milk in sippy cups freaks M. out in general... never felt like I could get the parts and pieces completely clean!
About 2 hours is my limit.
Two hours, if you are using non-organic milk. The organic milk "turns" quicker than the regular kind.
Too bad he doesn't like his milk cold.
When I had to go into the hospital and cold turkey my son from the breast, my husband let him have a bottle. He was worried about the milk spoiling so he put ice cubes in it. After that, my son wanted ice in everything he drank. He would shake it to hear it rattle and then drink it.
We never worried about it getting too warm. A little watered down, but that didn't hurt anything.
I'm funny when it comes to milk. I don't think it smells right no matter what.
I'm sure it's fine for a couple of hours at least. Lots of people drink warm milk and hot chocolate and being warm to start out with doesn't seem to make it go bad any faster. That I know of.
I hope you get some great responses.
Well here is the thing. My kids walked a lot.....
So sometimes they would find their sippy cups days later and would drink the milk. Believe it or not none of them died or even got sick.
Now if i knew where they were if it got warm I tossed it so three hours or so.