As independent as they come, My 8 year old, cooks sometimes, keeps her room and bathroom clean on her own, contributes to all chores, has a phone (becuase she made an a average and was promised one. helps care for her sister. I dont let her wander the neighborhood though, but i do let her play outside alone and ride the bus to school. If she had to shed be able to make all three square meals, make healthy choices, operate every appliance and electronic equipment in the house,shower, brush teeth and hair and straiten up before bed. I dont make her do all of this, i just make sure she knows how.
My 2 year old (although still in diapers) dresses herself, brushes her own teeth, puts her own plates and glasses in the sink, cleans up her own spills, calls daddy from my phone, turns on her own t.v. and converter box, helps to straiten her own room, puts on her own shoes (although 90% of the time they are backwards) gets her own step stool to wash her hands, and puts her dirty clothes in her own personal hamper and throws away her own trash. again, not that i make her do this, or expect her to but because she wanted to learn and i encourage that.
my best friend who is 30 still doesnt know how to properly wash a dish, or do a load of laundry, she still lives at home and her mother does it all. My mom died when i turned 8, and she did everything around the house but always made sure that i knew how. When she died i was able to handle my own stuff with minimal instruction, i even took it upon myself to make dinner every night for my dad and two brothers. Im happy to have been instilled with survival skills,,,,,,,,,and i hope my daughters pass that along to their kids as well.