I have been off of Yaz for about 5 months now. Yes, I experienced the same sort of issues while on it. My doc and I originally put me on it because of my horrible PMS and cramping. Yaz is the only pill marketed to help with PMS symptoms and it contains a mild dieuretic which can help with bloating and cramping. At first I thought the pill was great... no mood swings and a very short period that came and went practically without my notice! Then I paid attention to my mood and the fact that I didn't have mood swings, but I was ALWAYS down. A constant blue, somber, depressed feeling which is completely unlike me. And forget sex. My sex drive went out the door. When I discussed these issues with my doc she was really surprised, but it all comes down to paying attention to how the drug affects YOU.
If you're at all interested there is good literature on natural family planning. If you have regular periods and your husband is accepting of using barrier methods if needed, there may not be a need to use a bc pill. The books will discuss paying attention to your body, checking your discharge and keeping track of your periods. It sounded crazy to us at first, but we've been fine for 5 months!! And I've never felt better.... great skin, hair, great sex, and my periods haven't been bad, either.
Just an option, I hope you find what works for you as I completely empathize with your bc struggles.