My advice is practical and i learned it from my (now deceased) grandmother, who taught me everything about keeping house and rearing kids:
1. pick up as soon as you do a task. don't leave it for later. if you take out the salt, put it immediately away.
2. once the house is in order and picked up don't let *others* come and undo your work. start teaching the children and coughtrainhubbytoocough to put everything where it belongs when he comes home or at least at a designated place instead of all over the place. (tell him how much happier it will make you, which in turn...well, you know. better mood)
3. don't let the kids take over the house. concentrate an area of the house for play, the other parts are to be left as is. start teaching the 2 1/2 year old to pick up after herself after playing and praise and encourage her and make a big deal when she does. (teach her).
4. use your personality and do the housework to your advantage. are you a typeA personality? then spend all day doing the house and bask in its cleanliness for whatever long until it dirties. do you prefer doing a little bit of housework every day? then put yourself on a schedule: monday laundry and tabletops, tuesday, thu and sat bathrooms and floors, etc. that way you do some every day and you maintain it a bit daily.
5. do your chores early in the morning rather than later. you will enjoy the day more and be happier seeing everything clean if you take the initiative to get it done early. you'll love walking around during the day smelling a clean house rather than going from room to room all day dreading it and saying: "ugh. i gotta do this room, everything is a mess".
remember that you live in arid-zona, so the dust is always going to win.
it is not dishonorable to get some help. it doesn't mean you can't handle the work and it doesn't mean you're being a diva. at the end of the day, what kind of mummy and wife do you want to be? a happy, well-adjusted mother who at the end of the day is still happy to be all those things and is calm and collected or a monster who is screaming at everybody because she is so tired and frustrated from the continuous drudgery that IS being a homemeaker ? of course, we know the answer. hey, staying at home is hard, hard work. rewarding? the best thing you will ever do? yes. but sleepless nights and colicky babies take precedence over a layer of dust on your blinds. choose wisely. the dust will be tomorrow again.
best advice i ever got from Mima? she told me: you are the only one who knows what your limits/boundaries are. you know what you can deal with and what will drive you over the wall. set your boundaries for the way you have to lead your life that will help you help family and stick to them. at the end of the day only you can make sure you stay in control.
i have been a stay at home mom for 20 years.