I too am wondering why the big push to wean. My son was forced to wean when I was hospitalized very suddenly and that did not make for a happy boy... for a long time. My daughter however was allowed to wean on her time schedule and did so at age 4. She was much happier and so was I.
There were boundaries for her as she got older, like you need to wait til Mommy is finished with this task or we will be home soon and then I will feed you. But she adjusted very well to this. I too never let my children cry alot BUT that did not mean I gave into their demands. I would comfort them but would not allow them to, for example, get a toy at WalMart just because they were pitching a fit. One time I took my entire cart to the service desk and apologized but explained I had to leave because of one child's wrong choices. When they looked at my child, instantly there was silence. My child did not like the disapproval of a store person! But I left anyway and drove straight home, all the time discussing how sad I was that we got nothing from the Store. As soon as I arrived home, said toddler was strictly dealt with and put down for a nap. Trust me they remembered what they had done even when they got home.
I never had to leave a store again because they knew I would keep the promise of leaving in the middle of everything. The point of all of this is to say, don't let breastfeeding, or anything for that matter, become a power play. However, don't feel pressured that you are forced to quit unless you are both ready to.
If you just feel like you can no longer breastfeed, then make sure that before the suggestion arises you offer a yummy food to fill her up, which will naturally eliminate the need. Remember, if you offer it after she's asked to breastfeed, then its too late.
Hope this helps! Best wishes!