ahhhh, potty training time....I let my 18 month old (now 9 years old) run around naked or in satin panties for a weekend...i don't go for the child ready thing...children are amazing with what they can accomplish that we don't give them the chance to do half of it...after a few times peeing on herself she got the idea...feel the tickle, get wet and cold..she was out if diapers by the end of the week. still slept in diapers for a few months..(and of course had the occasional accident), but by age 2, i never bought another pack of diapers. (i did have to buy an extra bottle of resolve carpet cleaner)...lol...but it worked better than anything my girlfriends tried. One thing I truly believe in, is pull ups are just confusing...all they are are diapers that look like panties...so when they see real panties they still think they can pee in them...
hope this helps..
ps - BRIBERY (im lost without spell check and it's late, sorry for the bad grammer..lol) WORKS...i used to take her for a scoop of ice cream if she went all day without an accident...(she pee'd on the floor of cold stone once because they said the bathroom wasn't a public bathroom ...hahaha...they had to clean it up and my baby still got her ice cream!!!) She warned me/them she had to go!!
pss - always keep a change of clothes on your trunk..very helpful info that everyone forgot to tell me...hahah