I also have a 19 month old and everyone always comments about how good she eats. Here are some of the things I try.
If she is hungry before dinner is ready, instead of offering her animal crackers or similar, give her a vegetable (or occassionaly fruit) that actually is part of the meal. Canned grean beans are popular. I also take a handful of baby peas from the freeze and nuke them in a plastic cup for 1.5 minutes. You mentioned she doesn't like peas, but baby peas are sweet and can be eaten by hand. I sometimes buy the single serving veggies (mostly carrots) that come in the plastic cups like fruit come in and save them for this type of occassion.
With only some rare exceptions, she eats what we eat for dinner. Since most 19 month olds want to do it themselves, I bib her up and let her eat stuff with her fingers. Cut meat on the 'grain' (diagonal) so the bite size pieces chew more easily. Sometimes with kids, it is the texture they don't like, so you have to get them accustomed to it. KEEP TRYING. Repetition is the key.
You may also want to look at when your daughter gets snacks. I think we oversnack our kids and they are not really hungry at meal time and can then afford to be picky. I know when I oversnack before dinner, I am more picky. Don't get me wrong, I think kids need snacks, but watch giving them too close to meals and try to use 'hungry times' to get her to try new things.
You may also want to try-
Mandarin oranges
Scrambled or cubed boiled eggs (good protien)
Baked fish (my daughter loves tilapia or salmon with a little garlic powder)
Good luck!!